Monday, January 18, 2010

Heridity brings Inheritance too....

Just imagine for a moment that you are aware that you are going to inherit ABC diseases. And, you have been informed that your age is such that you are going to suffer from another XYZ disease soon... At this juncture how much pressure or work load you are capable of handling... Is it really fair?

I came across a website called 23andMe “personal genetics” company — which, for a fee, will take a bit of your spit and map out your DNA to learn genealogical details as well as your risk factors for certain diseases. What a life?

Some revolutionary thoughts which cropped up ....

Insurance companies will tie up with companies like 23andMe and do their client profiling. They would be able to know how susceptible their clients will be to specific diseases. They will now be in an added advantage to take decision as to which client should be covered or not. Genealogical details of clients might also help them in setting insurance premiums to their whims and fancies.

Marriages: In India, still exchanging bio data and photographs of would be bride and groom, is a tradition. How about additional documents stating all the diseases that he/she might suffer. Interesting isn't it! Makes good sense too...

If the groom and his parents have say supposedly, diabetes, then I think they may find getting a good bride close to nil. At least during the marriageable age.

Willingly to avoid marriage due to genetically passed on diseases is a good thing. This will ensure the next generation kids to be more disease free.

The real way to go in this technologically viable world is, to find ways and means to modify the gene structure to eradicate diseases which will make life more healthy and worth living.


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